Colossians 1:3-15
“For this reason” . . .
What reason? Hope. See 1:5-7. This hope has been promised, delivered by Christ, introduced and elaborated on by those whom God sent (such as Epaphras in the Colossians case).
Since we have this hope, we grow!
Markers of Spiritual Growth
1 -- Be Filled with the Knowledge of His Will
How? Study. Ask. Do the Obvious
People often talk to me about their struggle to understand God’s will. I have that struggle too, sometimes. Usually when I am in the way.
The diagnostic question→ What does the Word of God say (or the principles of the Bibnle indicate) about that subject? Is there a compelling reason you would not respond as the Word says?
2 -- (so that) You May Walk Worthy of the Lord
He who walks with Christ does His will, i.e., does His work, is is slave. Period. That’s the DEFINTION OF WALKING WITH CHRIST.
It’s NOT about Cultural Christian Comfort
I wonder often if we are merely comfortable with the trappings of Christianity?
• The ‘safer’ friend base
• The nice church builder
• The entertaining, intellectually stimulating preaching and teaching
• The great music
• The social and sometime academic ‘center’ of activity
Is it the CHURCH CULTURE we love, or CHRIST?!
3 -- (Those who Walk Worthy of the Lord) Will Bear Fruit
What does it mean to bear fruit?
Victor’s simple definition of bearing Christ-ian fruit↓
Life-change will come in others because you obeyed and ministered
4-- You Will Grow in Knowledge of God as you minister
Why ‘as you’ minister? A common misconception - and a dangerous one – is that we must know all about God, have this great intimate, perfect relationship with Him, before we are of any use to Him. He didn’t function with the disciples that way!
It is in the midst of obedience TO Him, you are dependent ON Him, and thus you come to KNOW Him better.
We grow as we go! But to grow, you must go!
5 --You Will be Strengthened in All Power
Why? Because you know Him, and because you are doing things that you could never do on your own! You MUST have His power or you will fail!
If you aren’t doing anything that needs His power, anything where you feel the constant pull toward Him SO THAT YOU CAN SIMPLY KEEP ON DOING IT, then you probably aren’t doing anything He particularly told you to do!
Christians are utterly dependent on Christ! But so many are so prideful, so literally hell-bent on not being dependent on anything, that we miss Christ.
Many are drawn in by the ‘good’ of Churchianity and thus miss Christianity
↓Tally Hilgis writes↓
:What keeps us from reaching our potential? The lure of the lackluster.
Lackluster is the word I use for the life not challenged. A lackluster life is one that returns to the same behavior as the day before. Usually the lackluster life is one that becomes routine and predictable. The lackluster life does not challenge assumptions, does not work through difficult circumstances, it worships comfortable and often wakes up fighting the same battles and noticing little change over long periods of time. That's a lackluster life."
One way of self-examination might me to ask, “Are you loving in ‘survival,’ ‘safety,’ or ‘sanctification’?”
It All Comes Back to Christ
Saying Goodbye to the Reb: The End of a Chapter, But Not the End of the
Watch our final webcast! Brett and Alex Harris, Sara Starkey, Christopher
Witmer, and Tabitha Bell got together to chat about the end of the Reb,
what do...
5 months ago
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