Fellow Parents, you are awesome!! Keep believing the best for your children. Keep surrendering. Keep speaking the Word over them. Press on in His power!
If your walk is not strong, your child's walk won't be strong. That's hardly an insightful comment, yet it is a truth many parents ignore. If you haven't already, I urge you to review my notes from Sunday's teaching on 'Marks of Spiritual Growth.' It is the third item down my blog as of today's posting.
Here are some serious diagnostics to help you gauge your progress and needed adjustments in leading your family. These parenting questions come @BruceWesley on twitter.
1. What if God did in your kids life ONLY what you prayed for?
2. Would you feel successful if your kids imitated your walk with God?
3. How equipped would your kids be based ONLY on your day-to-day conversations about God?
• On whether your child is ‘over scheduled’: http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Your_Child_Overscheduled/
• "Treasuring life above Christ is a tragedy." - John Piper. Victor: Always think ‘application, application, application.’ In the context of our missional emphasis and in the context of Christ suffering and many around the world suffering for Christ, ask your family to personalize and contextualize this quote.
• From my seminary colleague and now mega-church pastor @pastorjdgreaer: “Parents say, 'my kids can't be involved with the mission because they're at soccer, etc. Why not make that the mission?' “ Victor: In other words, in your normal life traffic pattern, what difference are you making? How are you impacting the world? You have Christ in you, so you are power and healing to the world!
• When a child is allowed to do absolutely as he pleases, it will not be long until nothing pleases him. –Anonymous
• My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. -Clarence Budinton Kelland. (this and above via @blendedfamily4u on twitter)
• "Less than 2% of 13 year olds (in the church) have a biblical worldview." -George Barna. I wonder why?
• From NFL great and strong Christian @shaunalexander: “Personality is like a lazor gun. Attitude is the power of the lazor. Attitude is a choice and you control it. Success connects with Attitude.”
• From Casting Crowns Mark Hall (@markhallcc, who also Youth Minister @ Eagles Landing Baptist Church near Atlanta): “I say Obedience to God's leading is a win no matter how much fruit we see. God brings the harvest not us. We just plant & water.” per 1cor3:6-9. Victor: This is an important principle to teach our kids! America is awash in a church culture that measures success in some strange ways (mostly bottoms in seats, regardless of growth). The WORK of ministry is up to our obedience. The FRUIT of ministry is up to Him. You CAN lead a horse to water . . .
Saying Goodbye to the Reb: The End of a Chapter, But Not the End of the
Watch our final webcast! Brett and Alex Harris, Sara Starkey, Christopher
Witmer, and Tabitha Bell got together to chat about the end of the Reb,
what do...
5 months ago
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