Monday, November 9, 2009

God is Dog Backward & Some Relate Better to the Dog

So many among the American Cultural Christians of our day have more intimacy with their dog than Jesus. Think about it. They pet the dog, speak sweetly to the dog, snuggle the dog, maybe even sleep with it. The dog is a direct comfort to them. I see some poor folks in the world who can't do relationships with people, so they have dogs. Or cats.

How is it that we can't effectively have a relationship with a Being Who says, "I know you completely, I forgive you of everything you've ever done wrong or will do wrong, and I love you completely?" On a purely pragmatic level, isn't that a great deal? Isn't that unconditional love?

This is the same God who has broken down all the religious barriers (though we keep resurrecting them) to Himself and granted us total access. Think of the people to whom you'd like to have total access, or the events to which you'd like to have an all access pass? The president. The oval office. A major CEO. Billy Graham. The Super Bowl.

Yet we have access into the Holy of Holies. When Jesus surrendered His Spirit, the veil in the temple was torn, and no longer did a priest (his ankles tied to a rope in case he had sinned!) have to go in (and only once a year and under very precise conditions) for us. No, we were declared priets, given access. Religion was destroyed. Relationship was established. God gives a second chance. We win!

Unless we stay outside. Unless we prefer our religious rites, that make us feel a little better for a very little while but leave us hungry and unchanged.

Even now, when a Christ follower doesn't know to pray, what to pray, or is even too lazy to pray, the Holy Spirit is interceding with groanings we cannot understand. Jesus is sittting at the right hand of the Father interceding. Get this: two-thirds of the Trinity is interceding with the other third on your behalf constantly!

And we won't talk to Him hardly, apart from throwing up a list (which makes Him want to throw up). Apart from a Hail Mary (pun intended) pass. Or maybe at the dinner table (but be quick, before the food gets cold), or at the start of a religious meeting, which is often nothing more than, well, a religious meeting.

I cannot imagine how empty, pointless and frustrating life would be if I knew I could not speak directly with God the Father -- and more importantly, hear directly from God the Father.

I love my dog. He's a cute little fellow. But I prefer a real relationship. I challenge you to go deeper with God. Enter the Holy of Holies. Sit. Listen. Talk some, but please, mostly listen. He thinks you are incredible. He loves you more than your dog does. And He wants to hang out.

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