Paul wrote, "For I want very much to see you, that I may impart some spiritual gift to strengthen you, that is, to be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine." - Romans 1:11-12
Don't ever be shy about passing on what God has given you -- it's literally why you exist. There is a false humility among some Christians that causes them to think, 'Who am I to share that?' or 'What I have to say doesn't matter,' or 'They'll think it strange coming from me.' This is how the enemy wants you to think! Such 'false humility' is really either a) one fooled by the enemy per my previous comment; b) one simply not bold enough to speak; c) one with too little faith to believe that God will use his (which are really His) words. The three reasons overlap with many people.
You've accurately heard it said that genunine humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. So when you hear something from the Lord and desire to pass it on, you are thinking of benefitting others with what has benefitted you. Sounds Christ-like to me!
We must act in humble confidence, and confident humility.
Paul's comment breaks down this way. A) A desire to see those to whom he is called to minister; for you, that's anyone in a group that you have leadership of OR influence/membership in; B) that I may impart some spiritual gift; clearly, he has something for them. Prerequisite to that is that he has received something, thus having been in steady fellowship with God; C) to be mutually encouaraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine; our leading/teaching - YOUR leading/teaching -- leads to our receiving from others as they grow in intimacy with us and thus willingness to share and as our overall example of 'passing it on' is caught. This is creating or contributing to true Biblical community per the Acts 2 model of church.
Share boldly! Use any venue you've given. Share with those who share with you. Re-send with proper credits what you receive. The point is always to encourage one another in the faith, teaching, shaping, nurturing, encouraging, reven rebuking as needed.
If you know Christ, you ARE the front lines!
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5 months ago
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