Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Seeking Him with your Whole Heart

“Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, Who seek Him with the whole heart!”

What does it mean to seek Him with our whole heart? Until we come to the end of ourselves, we really won’t do this. We’ll seek the ‘benefits’ of relationship with God, His rub-the-genie effect, so to speak. We’ll seek the fellowship of God’s people, because we find a presumable nicer, cleaner, more acceptable set of companions. We’ll seek some peripheral ‘God stuff,’ but we won’t seek Him with out whole heart until we realize there is something in us that needs to die and that we aren’t able to kill it. We must desire to NOT be like us, and to be like Him, and we must realize that in our own power we don’t stand a chance of this. At that point a person can begin to seek Him with His whole heart. Everything short of that is religious wrappings.

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